Brahma - The Self Born


Within the Trimurti, the trinity of supreme Hindu Gods, Brahma is referred to as "The Creator." Brahma formed himself in a golden egg known as Hiranyagarbha, a body or saguna of the otherwise formless or nirguna brahman, the supreme spiritual truth in Vedantic Hinduism. He is usually portrayed as a red or golden complexioned bearded man with four heads and paws, born in a lotus and rising from Vishnu's navel. His four heads, which point to the four cardinal directions, signify the four Vedas.
His vahana or mount is a hamsa or swan, and he is sitting on a lotus. Brahma's consort, Goddess Saraswati, and she embodies his creative spirit, or Shakti, as well as the wisdom he possesses.

Brahma does not receive widespread worship in modern Hinduism, and he is regarded as less important than the other members of the Trimurti. While Brahma is worshiped in ancient scriptures, he is scarcely worshiped in India as a primary deity. In India, there are only a few temples dedicated to him, the most prominent of which is the Brahma Temple in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Outside of India, Brahma temples can be in places like Bangkok's Erawan Shrine. This is a short reference to Lord Brahma and Goddess Sarawati's myths and theology.